Acquiring Businesses

M&A Advisory

GaP was founded by entrepreneurs who have successfully sold businesses to public companies and private equity firms. If you are conducting an acquisition campaign, who better to represent you? As former owners of privately-held businesses, we authentically bond with your prospects in a way that corporate development teams and investment bankers can’t duplicate. Our stories resonate, we build trust, and win-win transactions follow.

mergers and acquisitions houston

Successful Engagements Start with

Well-Defined Parameters

As you embark on a corporate acquisition campaign, you may have a good idea of what you want to achieve. But what experience do you have mapping and executing the strategies required to successfully deliver on that vision?

GaP is particularly adept at listening to your goals and defining the scope of what you are trying to accomplish. We understand the role that acquisitions play in broad corporate mandates, and we tactically define search and outreach processes that will acquire companies capable of meeting your objectives.

Successful Engagements Start with

Well-Defined Parameters

As you embark on a corporate acquisition campaign, you may have a good idea of what you want to achieve. But what experience do you have mapping and executing the strategies required to successfully deliver on that vision?

GaP is particularly adept at listening to your goals and defining the scope of what you are trying to accomplish. We understand the role that acquisitions play in broad corporate mandates, and we tactically define search and outreach processes that will acquire companies capable of meeting your objectives.

The Best Outcomes Start with a Clear

Search Preparation Process

GaP’s proven process of starting with a very narrow scope and later widening it as the search develops ensures that we efficiently and effectively accomplish our buy-side clients’ targeted acquisition goals.

Once our Analysts understand your goals and ideal investment criteria, we go to work to design a search preparation process that leaves no stone unturned. The goals of this process are to identify prospects we intend to approach by considering the following factors:

  • Size
  • Profitability
  • Cost savings
  • Infrastructure and assets
  • Synergies
  • Products and services growth (recent and forecast)
  • Geographic exposure
  • Production and distribution
  • IP and patents
  • Management and other key personnel
  • Client or customer base
  • Market share
  • Culture
  • Regulatory, permit, and compliance factors
  • Safety record
  • Quality assurance processes
  • and any other variables specific to the search.

Once we begin to receive and compile this data, we value and rank target businesses based on their perceived fit and ROI attractiveness.

Taking the time to build well-defined search parameters and acquisition-target attributes pays dividends of time and resource savings throughout the ensuing search, evaluation, and due diligence stages.

m&a firm
m&a firm

Actively Recruiting

Identified Targets

We are highly skilled at locating, approaching, and engaging multiple acquisition candidates simultaneously with the goal of confirming our perception of their financial, operating, and strategic ability to meet your investment goals.

Building trust in this process is essential. Sponsored and publicly-traded clients often struggle with the soft skills required to gain the confidence of business owners in the lower middle and middle markets. Therefore, they rely on our techniques and processes: introducing target prospects to the notion of selling all the way through helping them determine the probable fair market value their assets could command.

It may take months for the owners of some businesses to warm up to the idea of selling their baby while others seem ready as soon as we make the connection. Therefore, we take a consultative approach which allows each prospect to warm up to the idea at his or her own pace. Eventually, interested business owners begin to ask questions and want to meet. The concept turns into courtship, and courtship into a welcomed offer.

In a well-designed search campaign, this scenario plays out simultaneously with several prospects until we achieve the goals of our acquiring client.

Actively Recruiting

Identified Targets

We are highly skilled at locating, approaching, and engaging multiple acquisition candidates simultaneously with the goal of confirming our perception of their financial, operating, and strategic ability to meet your investment goals.

Building trust in this process is essential. Sponsored and publicly-traded clients often struggle with the soft skills required to gain the confidence of business owners in the lower middle and small business markets. Therefore, they rely on our techniques and processes: introducing target prospects to the notion of selling all the way through helping them determine the probable fair market value their assets could command.

It may take months for the owners of some businesses to warm up to the idea of selling their baby while others seem ready as soon as we make the connection. Therefore, we take a consultative approach which allows each prospect to warm up to the idea at his or her own pace. Eventually, interested business owners begin to ask questions and want to meet. The concept turns into courtship, and courtship into a welcomed offer.

In a well-designed search campaign, this scenario plays out simultaneously with several prospects until we achieve the goals of our acquiring client.

mergers and acquisitions houston tx

Closing in Conjunction with the

Client's Team & Advisors

We conduct our buy-side campaigns on behalf of larger businesses. In many cases, this means they have internal resources to perform due diligence and transition planning and to set the closing table.

While we are adept and ever-ready to navigate due diligence and closing processes, we really enjoy working alongside the team and advisors our clients have in place. This collaboration is key to closing well and setting the stage for successful integration.

Closing in Conjunction with the

Client's Team & Advisors

We conduct our buy-side campaigns on behalf of larger businesses. In many cases, this means they have internal resources to perform due diligence and transition planning and to set the closing table.

While we are adept and ever-ready to navigate due diligence and closing processes, we really enjoy working alongside the team and advisors our clients have in place. This collaboration is key to closing well and setting the stage for successful integration.

What Others Are Saying
Owner of privately-held business

I am the sole owner of a 14-year-old electrical construction company that is focused on the oil and gas industry. Before the Pandemic it was on a trajectory for growth which financially positioned it to survive during 2021 and 2022. In the spring of 2022, I recognized that I was mentally tired, discouraged, and feeling lonely at the top, which resulted in networking for a business coach & mentor. Shortly thereafter, I was introduced to Matt Gilbert. At our first meeting, Matt was a great listener who quickly grasped my feelings and began positively leading and encouraging me to steer the company out of surviving into thriving again. He is very astute and perceptive, with an admirable “street smartness” that is well received. In addition, he has a quiet confidence that bodes well for a leader. I enjoy working with him and can attest that he is playing a significant role in getting my company into a position much more robust and stable than before Covid 19.

What Others Are Saying
Seller Shares Their Positive GaP Experience

I just wanted to drop you guys a note to say thank you for all your help in the sale of my business. I know this sale was a different business and experience for you, which brought some new challenges, but you guys were able to grasp the generalities of our atypical business operations and close the transaction. On another note, you seemed to find the correct fit for the business as well. The buyers are great people, and I see them continuing with the business with great success.  We work well together, and the transition will be very smooth. So, again - THANK YOU for everything- this transaction would not have happened without all of your assistance and dedication.

What Others Are Saying
Executive Partner with a Private Equity Firm

Every month I review offering documents for dozens of lower middle market companies being marketed for sale by a wide range of intermediaries, including business brokers, financial advisors, and investment banks. When we are interested in further discussions, I contact the designated intermediary representative to arrange a discussion. I have been very surprised at the lack of responsiveness of some intermediaries (especially in Houston and the southern States). Even after multiple emails and voice messages, they take several days to respond or often never respond at all. Over time we learn which intermediaries are unresponsive and avoid pursuing the deals they are marketing, even when they otherwise appear to be a good fit. To their business owner clients, this means the companies they are marketing are missing out on interest from potential buyers with real conviction in pursuing a deal. We have found Gilbert & Pardue to be head and shoulders above their peers and would encourage any business owner who is thinking of selling their business to consider this very important intangible aspect regarding the integrity of the firm they choose to take them to market.

What Others Are Saying
Wealth Planner

In my business, our clients are expecting us to take a vested interest in their success. Our first introduction of GaP to a client met every expectation we had hoped for. GaP is a very transparent, focused, and capable organization which helps support business owners in the journey through transition. I believe it starts with their desire to see the client be successful. I look forward to a continued relationship with their organization.

What Others Are Saying
Client's CPA

Bret Pardue represented a very important client of mine as broker. My client not only received unparalleled brokerage service, but as a much welcomed bonus, they also gained invaluable information from Bret’s seasoned experience as past CEO and founder of a successful, larger business enterprise. When we first met with Bret, he listened to my client to determine if they were in the right mode and business cycle for acquisition. He asked poignant, detailed questions to assess my client’s needs. Once it was agreed it was indeed a good time to sell, Bret took the deal by its horns and walked us through the process seamlessly from start to finish. Bret’s due-diligence preparation guidance and shedding of light on potential risks that might loom ahead were on-point advice for multiple concerns my client had through this big transaction.

What Others Are Saying
Middle Market Business Owner

How is Matt Gilbert different? He doesn't have an MBA in business administration or finance. He doesn't come from one of the large local private equity firms. He has been a business operator, with his own 'skin' in the game, in several businesses that had improved earnings and sold. In my mind, he has a better chance of understanding me than anyone else I have met. In the process of deciding whether or not it was time to sell several years ago, I took about a month and went around to visit every Houston-based private equity firm and M&A lawyer I could get to meet with me. I had some quality visit time with almost all of them. Many of them stayed in touch. However, I have chosen Matt Gilbert to 'TRUST' finding me one last partner, so that my life's work doesn't just disappear.

What Others Are Saying
M&A Specialist Attorney

Our firm has had the pleasure of working with Gilbert & Pardue Business Advisors (GaP). GaP exhibits vast practical experience and a very good understanding of the market, regardless of industry. Their ability to walk the client through the process, both from a timing and pricing standpoint is invaluable.  Their firm is our go-to firm for middle market companies that want to be brokered to potential strategic and financial buyers.

What Others Are Saying
SBA Preferred Lender

Many business brokers will get a seller’s hopes up with unrealistic valuations or sales prices…and then they may charge a slew of fees for marketing, financial review, legal, etc. before getting any interest from buyers. In those cases, it is possible the business brokers make their money up front without regard to the seller’s prospects of selling the business. Because the price is not realistic, they may never get serious traction. This doesn’t happen with GaP. Another thing GaP does that I find unique is their cultivation of relationships with buyers (even if inactive) so that they may be able to privately sell a business without openly advertising it for sale. This can be incredibly valuable to a seller requiring utmost discretion. Most business brokers balk at the amount of work it takes to develop relationships with inactive buyers. GaP welcomes the opportunity.

What Others Are Saying
Concierge Business Banker

I cannot emphasize enough how impressed I have been with Matt Gilbert and the team associated with Gilbert & Pardue. I have been in banking for over 30 years and have had many opportunities to assess the trustworthiness and professionalism of clients and their businesses. Without doubt, after visiting with Matt Gilbert, I felt I could recommend and refer him to any of my clients who might have need of an advisory expert as relates to their business. He has proven that my impression was not only correct, but he has continued to prove that his years of experience have enabled him to create a network of people and businesses who rely on his ability to guide them in the right direction and to pull together the components they need to achieve their goals. Anyone who seeks counsel from Matt and his team are in good hands!

What Others Are Saying
Wealth Advisor

My clients are often nearing retirement age, with no suitable heir to their business and a desire to sell. What many don't understand is that business owners’ businesses are like their babies. They created and nurtured the entity from its infancy and simply want to ensure the business goes to someone that will take care of it like they did. Matt understands this well from his own personal experience of creating, owning, and selling businesses. As a financial advisor looking to provide my clients with a seamless and enjoyable retirement, Matt and his team have been instrumental in assisting my clients with their business transaction needs at a level of service that exceeds our expectations.

What Others Are Saying
Business Owner - Fractional CFO Client

As a new business owner, I was not familiar with what an M&A firm does. When I first learned of GaP and the M&A services they provide, I thought that they just assisted in selling and buying companies. However, after speaking with them, I quickly learned that they help companies with a variety of services to become more successful, whether they are ready to sell or not. A prime example of this is the fractional CFO services they provide. We really needed that financial leadership when it came to financial modeling and cash flow forecasting. This has enabled us to grow. GaP will guide you towards thinking about aspects of your business that you are unable to think about simply because you are too busy in the business itself.

What Others Are Saying
Middle-Market Construction Business Owner

“Wow!  He Nailed It” This was our first impression on working with Gilbert and Pardue as a Business Consultant.  After a few questions and answers, Matt Gilbert was able to pinpoint our weaknesses within minutes. His insight was invaluable!  I am looking forward to working with him in the future!